A few weeks ago, our threat intelligence team discovered several vulnerabilities present in Minimal Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode – Coming Soon Page, a WordPress plugin installed on over 80,000 websites. The most severe weakness allowed for an attacker to exploit Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) and enable maintenance mode while injecting cross-site scripting (XSS), in addition to several important settings modifications. We later found additional weaknesses that allowed any authenticated user to enable/disable maintenance mode, export settings, and change maintenance mode themes.
We privately disclosed the issue to the plugin’s developer, with whom we were already working on a security issue in 301 Redirects – Easy Redirects Manager. As we saw with 301 Redirects, they were quick to acknowledge the report and start working on a patch.
For the vulnerabilities present in Minimal Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode, Wordfence Premium customers received new firewall rules to protect against exploits; free users will receive these rules after thirty days, on February 2, 2020.
Affected Plugin: Minimal Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode – Coming Soon Page
Affected Versions: <= 2.10
CVE ID: CVE-2020-6167
CVSS Score: 9.6 (Critical)
Patched Version: 2.15
Nonce Checks Needed to Validate Setting Changes
The Minimal Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode – Coming Soon Page plugin provides a plethora of features to help customize a site’s maintenance or coming soon page, all of which are accessible in a centralized settings area.
Unfortunately, this plugin had no nonce checks on any of the settings to verify that a request came from a legitimate source, such as a logged in administrative user. The lack of nonce checks created a CSRF vulnerability, and an attacker could craft a request disguised by a link to trick a site owner into modifying the settings of the plugin.
Vulnerable code snippet:
} elseif ( isset( $_POST['signals_csmm_submit'] ) ) { {
Revised code snippet with nonce verification:
} elseif ( isset( $_POST['signals_csmm_submit'] ) && isset($_POST['csmm_save_nonce']) && wp_verify_nonce($_POST['csmm_save_nonce'], 'csmm_save_settings')) {
The functionality of the settings significantly increases the severity of this vulnerability. In this instance, every setting controlling the plugin’s features could be modified. This included features like inserting custom HTML, enabling maintenance mode, IP whitelisting, general content design, and importing logos.
An attacker capable of tricking an administrator into clicking on a link with a specially crafted request could create havoc for site owners and their visitors. A malicious link could take the vulnerable site offline by enabling maintenance mode while injecting a malicious javascript into the custom HTML field. That malicious script would then execute when an innocent user browsed the site. This XSS vulnerability could redirect site visitors to malicious websites, infect vulnerable computers, or perform other malicious actions.

XSS exploited in Minimal Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode plugin.
An attacker could also make several additional impactful changes like enabling the “Temporarily Pause Search Engines” setting, hurting a site’s search engine ranking, or including remote files as a “logo” on the site, with little to no restriction on file type.
This vulnerability is similar to what we saw in another maintenance mode plugin, WP Maintenance, a few weeks ago. Though CSRF is hard to protect against, the Wordfence firewall’s built-in XSS protection protects against any XSS attempts made during a CSRF exploit attempt. Avoid CSRF attacks by not clicking on links or attachments from untrusted sources.
Affected Plugin: Minimal Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode – Coming Soon Page
Affected Versions: <= 2.10
CVE ID: CVE-2020-6168
CVSS Score: 7.1 (High)
Patched Version: 2.15
The Minimal Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode plugin provides users with the capability to enable and disable maintenance mode from the admin bar to make it more convenient for administrators to toggle between the two modes when performing maintenance on a site.
In order to provide this feature, the plugin registers an admin action with an is_admin()
check right before the registered action. Unfortunately, it is a common misconception that the is_admin()
function verifies that a request is coming from an administrator logged into the admin dashboard. However, is_admin()
only checks that the request is being sent to an administrative page. Administrative pages are accessible to any logged in user, not just administrators.
This created a flaw that allowed any authenticated user with subscriber permissions or above the ability to enable and disable maintenance mode on a vulnerable site by sending a simple request. If an attacker was unable to create a subscriber account on a vulnerable website without open registrations, they could attempt to exploit this using CSRF due to the lack of nonce checks.
Vulnerable code snippet:
class CSMM { static function init() { if (is_admin()) { add_action('admin_action_csmm_change_status', array(__CLASS__, 'change_status')); }
<?php if ($signals_csmm_options['status']== '1') { $action_url = add_query_arg(array('action' => 'csmm_change_status', 'new_status' => 'disabled', 'redirect' => urlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])), admin_url('admin.php')); } else { $action_url = add_query_arg(array('action' => 'csmm_change_status', 'new_status' => 'enabled', 'redirect' => urlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])), admin_url('admin.php')); }
Proof of Concept
In order to exploit this vulnerability, an attacker would login as a user with subscriber or above permissions and send the following request to enable maintenance mode:
Alternatively, a malicious actor could send the following request to disable maintenance mode:
Wordfence Premium customers have already received new firewall rules to protect against these exploits; free users will receive these rules after thirty days, on February 2, 2020.
Affected Plugin: Minimal Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode – Coming Soon Page
Affected Versions: <= 2.15
CVE ID: CVE-2020-6166
CVSS Score: 5.4 (Medium)
Patched Version: 2.17
Another set of features provided by the Minimal Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode plugin includes the ability to export settings and change maintenance mode themes.
As with the previous vulnerability, we see the same error here: is_admin()
appears to be the improper permission check used to verify that an action is triggered by an administrative user, when it is just checking that the request is being sent to a page within the administrative dashboard.
This created a flaw that would allow any user logged in as a subscriber or above to export the plugin settings as a .txt file or modify the theme of the maintenance page on a vulnerable site.
Example of vulnerable code for settings export:
function csmm_plugin_admin_init() { if (!is_admin()) { Return; }
add_action('admin_action_csmm_export_settings', 'csmm_export_settings');
function csmm_export_settings() { $filename = str_replace(array('http://', 'https://'), '', home_url()); $filename = str_replace(array('/', '\\', '.'), '-', $filename); $filename .= '-' . date('Y-m-d') . '-csmm.txt'; $options = csmm_get_options(); unset($options['none']); $options = apply_filters('csmm_options_pre_export', $options); $out = array('type' => 'CSMM', 'version' => csmm_get_plugin_version(), 'data' => $options); $out = json_encode($out); header('Content-Type: text/plain'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . $filename); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate'); header('Pragma: public'); header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($out)); @ob_end_clean(); flush(); echo $out; exit; } // export_settings
Proof of Concept
In order to exploit this vulnerability an attacker would need to login with subscriber or above permissions and send the following request to export the plugin settings:
Alternatively, a malicious actor could send the following request to change the theme:
Wordfence Premium customers have already received new firewall rules to protect against these exploits; free users will receive these rules after thirty days, on February 2, 2020.
December 18th, 2019 – Initial contact with developer and notification of CSRF/XSS issues. No rule deployed as our existing XSS rule mitigates the XSS portion of the attack.
December 19th, 2019 – Developer responds and acknowledges issues.
December 25th, 2019 – Developer releases first patch.
January 3rd, 2020 – Discovery of additional security issues disclosed to plugin developer. New firewall rules released for premium Wordfence users.
January 7th, 2020 – Developer acknowledges additional vulnerabilities, begins working on additional fixes.
January 8th, 2020 – Final patch is released.
February 2nd, 2020 – Free users receive firewall rules.
In today’s post, we detailed several vulnerabilities present in the Minimal Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode – Coming Soon Page plugin, which included one critical vulnerability. Fortunately, the plugin developer was incredibly quick to respond and release a patch for the vulnerable endpoints. These flaws have all been patched in version 2.17 and we urge users to update to the latest available version as soon as possible.
Sites running Wordfence Premium have been protected from attacks against this vulnerability since January 3, 2020. Sites running the free version of Wordfence will receive the firewall rule update on February 2, 2020 and should update the plugin immediately.
The post Multiple Vulnerabilities Patched in Minimal Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode – Coming Soon Page Plugin appeared first on Wordfence.
Source: Wordfence