Tag: Black Hat Tactics

Magento Killer

A malicious PHP script, aptly given the name “Magento Killer” by its creator(s), has been found targeting Magento websites. While it doesn’t actually kill the Magento installation, it does allow the attacker to modify data in the core_config_data table of…

Massive 1800ForBail WordPress Hacks

Sucuri malware analyst Kaushal Bhavsar recently brought our attention to a massive campaign responsible for adding either “1800ForBail” or “1800ForBail – One+Number” keywords to the titles of vulnerable WordPress sites. 1800ForBail in Search Results Google currently returns 158,000 results for…

Fake Instagram Verification

Across various social media platforms there are verification checkmark symbols that appear near the name of the account’s page we view. For example, this verified account indicator seen from our Twitter page: These verification checkmarks exist as a credibility indicator…